As well as this inconvenience, there has been a mystery of the three musketeers disappearing – that is Zorro, Clem Fandango, and Huskie*.
They disappeared for around 4 days quite suddenly, and in unison. They returned pretty much all together, and we put it down to nearby fiesta-related barbecue action – far superior to the dry cat food they’ve been getting. You could put this migration down to the wasp sting in fact! Here is Clem pressing his nose up against the glass one morning, while Zorro looks on, back to normal.
There are now four groups:
- The London Homees – dominant in and around the house (led by Scruffy, who is the King)
- The three musketeers* – dominant around Fort Feral (led by Huskie I would say), tolerated by Scruffy - just!
- Calypso and Ronny – peripheral and get what they can (not led by anyone)
- Jessie and Bette Davis – even more peripheral (and may not be speaking even to each other!)
Speaking of feeding, this appears to be feeding time in Monforte de Lemos – someone needs to start trap-neuter-returning!
Huskie is Athos: Comte de la Fère: he has never recovered from his marriage to Milady and seeks solace in wine. Milady may well be Calypso.
Clem is D’Artagnan: Charles de Batz de Castelmore d'Artagnan: a young, foolhardy, brave and clever man seeking his fortune.